A modern approach to quantifying risk involves estimating the likely change in the value of an investment by using the concept of a normal distribution.
VAR 的意義: VAR 提供一個項目的潛在風險的指示
The VAR provides an indication of the potential riskiness of a project. For example, if A invests in project B then it can be 95% confident that the present value will not fall by more €1,471,000 over its life. Hence the project will still produce a positive net present value. However, there is a 5% chance that the loss could be greater than € 1,471,000. With project C, the potential loss in value is smaller and therefore it is less risky. It should be noted that the VAR calculations indicate that the investments involve different risk. However, the cash flows are discounted at the same rate, which they should not be, since the risk differs between them.